The best legal education offers both thoughtful exploration of the big ideas that drive us as a society and hands-on exposure to the skills that make good lawyers such effective problem solvers. The Temple Law practicum is a unique experiential learning opportunity where a student and full-time faculty member engage collaboratively to solve a problem for a real client, often with the help of a practicing attorney.

We encourage students to start by exploring the school-designed practicums.  We offer a variety of pre-selected placements and a pre-assigned faculty supervisor, further detailed in the catalogue below. Be sure to take note of the deadline to apply for these practicums! If you can’t find the experience that meets your learning goals through one of the school-designed practicums (or through one of our in-house clinics, external clinics, or externship courses), you can design your own practicum, subject to approval by Associate Dean Ramji-Nogales (see the practicum registration page for more details). Independent practicums also require you to locate a faculty supervisor.

Fall 2024 School Designed Practicum Catalogue (PDF)

Many practicums involve working with live clients. All placements take place in a non-profit, judicial or governmental setting and, subject to approval by Associate Dean Ramji-Nogales, select for-profit settings. Students work a minimum 10-12 hours per week and submit a weekly log and reflections to a faculty supervisor, with whom they meet regularly. The Guidelines for Practicum Students below provide more details about the practicum experience.

Guidelines for Practicum Students (PDF)


Temple practicum placements have included work with the following organizations:

  • Public Health Management Corporation
  • International Office of Migration
  • Philadelphia Housing Authority
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Federal Judicial Center
  • United States Department of Education
  • Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office
  • Community Legal Services
  • ACLU
  • Delaware County District Attorney’s Office
  • Veteran’s Administration
  • Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • Chester County District Attorney’s Office
  • Bucks County Defender’s Office
  • Women Against Abuse
  • Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office
  • Juvenile Law Center
  • Aramark – Compliance Department