Temple Law’s Global Partnerships
Temple Law is proud to collaborate with law schools and legal training institutions around the world. We currently cooperate with the following partners:
- Academia de Litigación, Chile
- Bar Council of Rome, Italy
- Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- Beijing Foreign Studies University, China
- Beijing Forestry University, China
- Beijing Normal University Zhuhai, China
- Bocconi University, Italy
- Capital University of Economics & Business, China
- Central South University, China
- Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
- Comillas Pontifical University, Spain
- Del Rosario University, Colombia
- East China University of Politics & Law, China
- Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey, Mexico
- Fu Jen University, Taiwan
- Ghana Institute of Management & Public Administration, Ghana
- Insper Institute of Education & Research, Brazil
- InterAmerican University, Puerto Rico
- Italian National Bar Council, Italy
- Jindal Global Law School, India
- Karnavati University, India
- Luiss, Italy
- MNLU Mumbai, India
- Nankai University, China
- North China University of Technology, China
- Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru
- Riga Graduate School of Law, Latvia
- Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Shanghai University, China
- Shanghai University of Politics & Law, China
- Southeast University, China
- Southwest University of Politics & Law, China
- Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy
- Transnational Law and Business University, Korea
- Tsinghua University, China
- University College Cork, Ireland
- University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
- University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- University of Montevideo, Uruguay
- University of Münster, Germany
- University of Naples Federico II, Italy
- University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
- University of Pécs, Hungary
- University of Riberão Preto, Brazil
- Utrecht University, the Netherlands
- Wenzhou University, China
- YMCA Foundation, Italy
- Yunnan University, China
- Zhejiang Normal University, China
- Zhejiang University, China

Temple Law and Universidad de Espíritu Santo, Ecuador, Sign Partnership Agreement
On July 17, 2025, Temple Law School signed an agreement with Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES) in Guayaquil, Ecuador to promote dual degree, student mobility, academic exchange, and short-term training programs. Following Temple’s successful Spanish-language trial advocacy bootcamps, which UEES faculty have attended, the law schools plan to work together to expand trial advocacy training in Latin America.

Temple Law Conducts Fourth Spanish-Language Trial Advocacy Bootcamp
On July 29-August 2, 2024, Temple Law hosted its fourth Spanish-language intensive bootcamp for judges, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and law professors from Latin America in collaboration with our partner the Academia de Litigación. The program included three tracks, with specialty teaching on litigation skills, gender perspectives, and criminal investigations. Students attended morning classes on trial skills and then separated into small group practice sessions in the afternoons. Students also observed a trial at the U.S. federal courthouse, and the program culminated in final trials where each student argued a case before judge and jury with live witnesses.

Bocconi University in Milan Hosts Four JD Students; Temple Law Renews Partnership
On February 21, 2024, Temple Law renewed our partnership agreement with Bocconi University law school in Milan. This partnership, formed in 2014, is one of the law school’s earliest student exchange agreements. To date, 14 Bocconi students have come to Temple with one to study in Philadelphia in Spring 2025, and 8 Temple JD students have studied abroad at Bocconi with 2 to visit Milan in Fall 2024.

Temple Expands Collaborations in India
Following on Temple’s legal education programs in Japan and China, the law school is building and strengthening partnerships in India. Its first partnership agreement, with Jindal Global Law School (JGLS) was signed in 2013, and to date, 32 JGLS students have come to study at Temple. Temple also partners with Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU) Mumbai, with that agreement signed in 2022.

Temple Law Renews Partnership Agreement with Utrecht University
Temple University Beasley School of Law and Utrecht University School of Law in the Netherlands have maintained a robust partnership since 2008. To date, 43 Utrecht students have come to Temple since the partnership was established for a semester of study abroad, and five have continued their studies to earn our Master of Laws (LLM) degree. The law schools recently renewed their partnership agreement.

Temple Law Receives Delegation from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration to Launch New Partnership
On August 9, 2023, Dean Rachel Rebouché received a delegation from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), led by Rector Samuel Kwaku Bonsu and Faculty of Law Dean Kwaku Agyeman-Budu. Temple and GIMPA law schools recently signed an agreement to promote student and faculty mobility, including a 3+1 LLB/LLM program enabling GIMPA law students to spend their junior or senior year at Temple to earn credits toward our LLM degree.

Temple Law Hosts Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor of Jindal Global University in India
Temple signed our first partnership agreement with Jindal Global Law School (JGLS) in 2011, which is ranked as the top law school in India. The original agreement allowed for student and faculty exchange. We renewed our agreement in 2020, adding in provisions for visiting research scholars and 4+1 and 2+1 dual degree programs. To date, 31 JGLS students have come to Temple, making Temple Law one of JGLS’s key partners.