Fall 2024 Registration

The Fall 2024 schedule shows the CRNs (Course Reference Numbers) for all courses where registration can be performed through Banner. Use this schedule to plan for your Fall 2024 Registration.

Students who are in the Integrated Programs – ITP and ITAP – should review the updated Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 schedules for ITP and ITAP (PDF).

Waiting Lists for Selected Law School Courses

We maintain online waiting lists for certain courses during the Add/Drop period which will occur from Monday, August 5 (opens at 12:00 PM) to Friday, August 30 (closes at 12:59 PM). Please refer to “Waiting Lists for Law School Courses” (PDF) for further information on how the waiting list process will work and which courses have waiting lists.

Course Descriptions

As you review the detailed course descriptions, please note that the Temple Law School course numbering system provides some information that will be helpful in your course selection process.

  • 0700 to 0799 = experiential courses offered in Philadelphia
  • 0800 to 1100 = writing seminars offered in Philadelphia (0900 to 0902 are Guided Research)
  • 0400 to 0699, and 5000 or higher = other courses offered in Philadelphia

Some course numbers begin with a letter, indicating as follows:

  • J = offered in the Spring in Japan program
  • R = offered in the Summer in Rome program
  • W = offered in Washington, DC
  • G = offered in an LLM program

Course schedules from past academic years are also available. To view these schedules, select the semester from the “Past Semesters” drop-down at the top of the Course Schedules page.