Narrative or Story – Know The Difference

I suspect that many if not most lawyers are unaware of “narratology,” defined as “the study of structure in narratives” (, last visited April 5, 2020) or “a humanities discipline dedicated to the study of the logic, principles, and practices of narrative representation…” (, last visited April 5, 2020).  Yet a definition that itself uses

“They did something similar before” – prior acts, character, and self-defense

In a recent (October, 2019) manslaughter trial in Philadelphia, the jury heard a lot about the victim, information not limited to conduct at the time of the fight that led to his death.  The jury heard, as an early defense witness, a bartender from Florida.  Although the death occurred in 2018, the jury heard about

Reflections on a Wrongful Conviction

The joke for criminal defense lawyers, such as it is, is the response to the question “how do you represent guilty people?”  The answer/punchline is “that’s easy; it’s representing someone who is actually innocent that causes nightmares.”  You may ‘lose the case,’ but your client loses freedom. As the original trial lawyer for Willie Veasy,