When should I apply to Temple Law?
Temple has a rolling admissions process and applications are reviewed as they are received and completed. Admissions decisions are made from December to May. The application deadline has been extended to April 1, 2025, however we recommend that you apply early, as applicants who apply by mid-January typically have the best chance of being admitted. We encourage you to submit your application online through LSAC, although we will also accept applications that are sent to us through the mail.
Does Temple require any specific undergraduate major(s)?
No. There is no required course of study during your undergraduate years. You must earn a baccalaureate degree from an institution which is approved by one of the regional accrediting associations of the United States. As for undergraduate classes, there is no prescribed course work. It is more important that you take classes that are challenging and that interest you. It is also important for you to do well and get good grades. Some students find classes in logic, philosophy, writing, and history helpful. Each year, however, we accept students with a wide variety of backgrounds from liberal arts to engineering to physics to criminal justice – and this is just to name a few.
Does Temple Law School accept the GRE?
Yes. Temple Law School will accept the GRE for applicants who have not taken and do not plan to take the LSAT.
If I have taken the LSAT and the GRE, can I still submit my GRE for review as supplementary material?
No. Temple Law School only accepts the GRE in lieu of the LSAT for applicants who have not taken the LSAT and do not plan to take it in the future.
What happens if I am admitted as a GRE applicant and subsequently take the LSAT?
If you are admitted to Temple Law School with a GRE score and, after admission, take the LSAT, the Admissions Committee will consider your new LSAT score and may re-evaluate and rescind your offer of admission and any merit-based scholarships awarded at the time of admission.
What LSAT score do I need to be admitted to Temple Law School?
Temple Law School does not have a minimum LSAT requirement. Many students, however, are guided by the range of LSAT scores that were admitted in prior years. In 2023, the median LSAT score for the enrolled class was a 163. The middle fifty percent of the entering class presented LSAT scores ranging from 159-165.
What GPA is Temple looking for?
While Temple does not have specific GPA guidelines, you may want to consider the range of student GPAs that were admitted last year. The median GPA for the enrolled class for 2023 was 3.65. The middle fifty percent of the students enrolled had GPAs that fell between a 3.45 and a 3.80.
Does Temple offer an evening program?
Yes. The Law School does have a part-time evening division. The evening program normally takes four years to complete and students complete 3-4 classes per semester. Students may also choose to take summer classes, which are held in the evening, although summer study is not required.
Are the requirements for the evening division different than for the day division?
No. The admissions criteria are the same for students applying to the evening division as they are for students applying to the day division. The same full-time faculty members who teach day classes also teach in the evening division, and evening division students have the same graduation requirements and take the same courses as day division students.
Can I complete the J.D. program online?
No. Temple Law does not offer an online J.D. program. Although there are a small number of online courses offered each semester, the majority of our courses are held in-person on Temple’s campus.
If I have taken the LSAT more than once do you average the two scores together?
The Admissions Committee does not average LSAT scores and all scores from the LSAT will be considered. We do not use an index and admission to Temple Law School is not determined solely on numerical indicators such as the LSAT. If you have taken the LSAT more than once, and if there is a large disparity between your scores, we recommend that you address the disparity in a separate statement to be included with your application.
Does the Admissions Commitee consider factors such as diversity and work experience?
Diversity and work experience are certainly factors that the Admissions Committee considers in their evaluation. Temple prides itself on maintaining a diverse student body. Our concept of diversity is also broader than just race and ethnicity and includes factors such as work experience, students from different parts of the country and students from diverse economic and educational family backgrounds.
What will make me an acceptable candidate to Temple Law?
It is difficult to answer the question, “what will make me an acceptable candidate to Temple Law School?” Certainly, good grades and good LSAT scores are very helpful. Beyond the numerical factors, student activities, work or military experience, volunteer or community service, and unique family circumstances are all factors which are considered. This list by no means, however, includes all of the factors considered by the Admissions Committee.
You can find more information under the Admission Evaluation Process section of the J.D. Application Procedure page Application Procedures.
What is Sp.A.C.E. and should I write a Sp.A.C.E. Statement?
Sp.A.C.E is our admissions process. Initially developed over 50 years ago to avoid an over-reliance on standardized test scores such as the LSAT or other abstract measuring factors when evaluating applications, it is an admissions evaluation process designed to look at the whole person.
Every application to Temple Law is evaluated through Sp.A.C.E. While an applicant’s LSAT or GRE score and undergraduate GPA are important in determining whether that candidate will succeed at Temple Law, our admissions process, Sp.A.C.E., dictates that particular attention is paid to the personal statement(s), letters of recommendation, work experience, life experience, and the writing ability of the applicant. This holistic approach to application evaluation allows the Admissions Committee to select applicants whose exceptional aptitudes for the study of law are not necessarily reflected by grade point average or standardized test scores.
To facilitate this process, applicants have the option of writing a Sp.A.C.E. statement which describes their unique characteristics, achievements, experiences, or personal history. If you feel like your personal statement adequately highlighted those aspects of your application, you do not have to include a Sp.A.C.E. statement. However, we recommend that you write a Sp.A.C.E. statement in addition to your personal statement because it provides the Admissions Committee with another opportunity to get to know you and evaluate your writing ability. Given that Temple Law does not conduct interviews, your personal statement is your opportunity to showcase yourself.
Like the personal statement, the Sp.A.C.E. statement has no page limit but is generally recommended to be about 2 to 3 pages double spaced.
Does Temple admit students for the Spring or Summer semesters?
No. Temple only offers admission to the Law School in the Fall semester of any year. We do not have midyear admissions in January.
Does Temple accept transfer students?
Yes. Each year Temple Law accepts a limited number of transfer students. There are a number of factors to evaluate in transferring. Temple only considers transfer applications from students from a law school that is accredited by both the ABA and the AALS. Acceptance also depends on the applicants’ academic standing at their current law school at the end of their first full year as well as the availability of seats in Temple’s second-year class. Temple Law School will accepts a maximum of 32 credits. Applicants need to apply for transfer by June 15th; however, decisions regarding transfer applications are generally not made until mid-July.
Please refer to our Transfer & Visiting Students page for more information.
Will Temple accept my foreign transcript in lieu of an official transcript evaluation?
No. Temple will not accept a transcript from your foreign university(ies) in lieu of an evaluation by the Credential Assembly Service through LSAC. Applicants with foreign degrees must obtain an analysis of their foreign academic credentials LSAC.
Further, a Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) score or Graduate Record Exam (GRE) score is required of all applicants with a foreign degree.
May I audit a class at Temple Law?
No. The only way to take classes is to be admitted to a degree program. There is no non-degree equivalent at Temple University Beasley School of Law.
How can I arrange a visit to Temple Law School?
We encourage all students to visit the law school and have several different options available, both in person and online. You can learn more here.