Susan L. DeJarnatt
Professor of Law
office: Klein Hall, Room 623
phone: (215) 204-8736
email: susan.dejarnatt@temple.edu

Ellie Margolis
Jack Feinberg '57 Professor of Litigation
office: Klein Hall, Room 718
phone: (215) 204-8964
email: ellie.margolis@temple.edu

Dennis W. Morrow
Practice Professor of Law
office: Klein Hall, Room 619
phone: (215) 204-7103
email: dennis.morrow@temple.edu

Kristen E. Murray
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor of Law
office: Klein Hall, Room 820
phone: (215) 204-2379
email: kristen.murray@temple.edu

Bonny L. Tavares Dean
Associate Professor of Law
office: Klein Hall, 719
phone: (215) 204-6966
email: bonny.tavares@temple.edu