Gilat Juli Bachar is an Assistant Professor of Law at Temple University Beasley School of Law, specializing in tort law, legal ethics, dispute resolution and law and psychology. She was previously a Visiting Assistant Professor at Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. Prior to Villanova, Prof. Bachar was a research fellow with the Stanford Center on the Legal Profession, a Stanford Law School Postgraduate Public Interest Fellow at the Center for Justice & Accountability in San Francisco, and a law firm associate specializing in commercial litigation. Prof. Bachar graduated with a JSD from Stanford Law School in 2018, where her research won one national and two school-wide awards, as well as numerous research grants. Her work, which has been published or is forthcoming in journals such as the Minnesota Law Review, Arizona State Law Journal, Cardozo Law Review, UC Law Journal, SMU Law Review, and Chicago Journal of International Law, uses theoretical and empirical research methods to investigate how disputants and lawyers perceive civil justice-related concepts like accountability and confidentiality, how they ought to consider such concepts, and how their decisions inhibit or help produce social change.