Temple University Beasley School of Law hosted its eighth free online advocacy training conference on Wednesday, May 17, 2023. The topics were innovations in advocacy teaching and the power of story telling, the latter taught through the experience of one trial.
Use the links below to view the conference recording:
Hour 1: Teaching innovations in advocacy and evidence courses – building model courses on “Race, Gender, Vulnerable Populations and the Rules of Evidence;” incorporating skills needed for online advocacy (e.g., virtual trials, online depositions) into the trial ad curriculum; using technology for a two-school shared trial ad/competition course; advanced Evidence (objections and argument); and teaching forensics – are discussed by Ramona Albin, Judge Matthew Williams, John Singer, Eileen Scallen, Emily Prokesch, and Dr. Ethan Hinds. The course descriptions and syllabi and Judge Williams’ PowerPoint are found here.
Hour 2: Melisa McNeill, lead counsel for Nikolas Cruz in the Parkland School mass murder case, explains how the defense used narrative and other advocacy skills – especially the importance of gaining jurors trust and trusting jurors to draw the necessary conclusions – in seeking to avoid a sentence of death.