Temple University Beasley School of Law’s advocacy program is now soliciting articles for the “Annual Edward D. Ohlbaum Paper in Advocacy.” Professor Ohlbaum, a national leader in trial advocacy education and director of advocacy programs at Temple University Beasley School of Law until his death in March of 2014, was a scholar of the law of evidence committed to teaching advocacy with emphasis on students and practitioners mastering skills, evidence law, and professionalism.

Articles on an advocacy or advocacy-and-law related subject are welcome and will be peer reviewed. The best article will be published in the Temple Law Review, as well as on Temple’s Advocacy and Evidence Resources website. Additionally, the winning author will receive a prize of $250. The article will be judged on the following criteria: originality, usefulness to advocates and students of advocacy, and reflection of the values Professor Ohlbaum exhibited and taught. Article length is to be anywhere between 15 and 40 pages.

Submissions should be made electronically, in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format, to Professor Jules Epstein, Director of Advocacy Programs (jules.epstein@temple.edu) no later than December 1, 2017.

Selected Articles