
Organization NameTypeWebsite
76ersSports Team
AdidasAthletic Brand
AramarkVenue and Event Management
Buzz Sports and EntertainmentTalent Management
CAATalent Management
College Sports CommunicatorsTrade Association
Comcast SpectatorVenue and Event Management
Conduct DetrimentalPodcast
Disney / ESPNMedia Brand
EaglesSports Team
East Coast Hockey LeagueSports League
EMG SportsTalent Management
Equity Sports (Formallly Steinberg Sports & Entertainment)Talent Management
ESPNMedia Brand
Excel SportsTalent Management
FlyersSports Team
Fox SportsMedia Brand
Front Office SportsMedia Brand
Harris Blitzer Sports & EntertainmentTalent Management
Jobs in SportsPlacement / Recruiting Site
LiveNationVenue and Event Management
MLB Players AssociationAthletic Association
National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA)Trade Association
National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAAIA)Trade Association
National Basketball Association (NBA)Sports League
National Collegeiate Athletic Association (NCAA)Trade Association
NBC Universal SportsMedia Brand
NCAAAthletic Association
NFL FilmsMedia Brand
NFL Players UnionAthetic Association
NikeAthletic Brand
Oakview Experiences (formerly Spectra /Global Spectrum)Venue and Event Management
OctagonTalent Management
Philadelphia UnionSports Team
PhilliesSports Team
PHL SportsDivision of Phil Convention Center
Sports Career FinderPlacement / Recruiting Site
Sports Careers InstitutePlacement / Recruiting Site
Sports Lawyers AssociationTrade 
Sports NetworkerPlacement / Recruiting  
Teamwork Online Placement / Recruiting 
Turnkey Sports and Entertainment Placement / Recruiting Site
Under ArmourAthletic Brand
United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC)Sports Committee
WassermanSports Management
Wist NetworkPlacement / Recruiting Site
Work in Sports Placement / Recruiting