Intellectual Property and Technology Law is one of the most exciting fields of legal practice in today’s technology-driven world. From biotechnology to cyberlaw, IP lawyers are leading the way in pursuit of new horizons. And there is no place better to become one than Temple Law.

Intellectual Property Curriculum

The study of Intellectual Property at Temple begins with Introduction to Intellectual Property. This course covers the broad outlines of patent, copyright, and trademark law (along with a fourth body of law, the law of trade secrets, which is a fascinating amalgam of intellectual property and tort law doctrines). It is designed both for students who plan to work in the IP field and for those who, though they have no plans to specialize in this area, want a basic knowledge of the general rules of IP.

The second tier of IP courses consists, first, of specialized courses devoted to each of the three major subfields: Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks and Unfair Competition. In addition, this second tier includes a number of courses that cut across one or more of the boundaries between the IP subfields: International Intellectual Property, Entertainment Law, Business IP Planning and Intellectual Property Licensing Law.

The third tier of IP courses consists of more specialized patent law offerings: Patent Litigation, Advanced Patent Law, Biotechnology Law, and Patent Prosecution.

Finally, we offer other courses that cover various other aspects of the relationship between law and technology: Law of Electronic Commerce; Cyberspace, Law, Science and Technology; Cyber Privacy and Cyberlaw; and Policy: Practical Applications in Organizational Settings. These courses are open to any students whether or not they have taken any of the Intellectual Property courses.

The Intellectual Property and Technology Law Faculty

The Temple Law IP and Technology faculty is expert, passionate, and engaged. The core faculty includes: Temple University Provost Gregory N. Mandel, who focuses on science, technology, and innovation, particularly as they arise in patent and technology law;  Associate Dean Donald P. Harris, who focuses on international IP Law; Professor Paul R. Gugliuzza, who focuses on patent law and patent litigation; and Professor Erika Douglas, who focuses on technology, innovation, and antitrust law. They are joined by several interdisciplinary faculty, including Professors Salil K. Mehra and Duncan Hollis, Co-Faculty Directors of the Institute for Law, Innovation & Technology.

Intellectual Property Society

The Intellectual Property Society is a vibrant community of Temple Law students with a common interest in IP issues. The Society holds IP-related special events, hosts guest speakers and job information sessions, and engages in other activities throughout the year. The IP Society is a valuable networking resource for students interested in pursuing work in the diverse, highly competitive Philadelphia IP market.

Temple Intellectual Property Law Network (TIPLN)

The Temple Intellectual Property Law Network brings together Temple Law alumni, area practitioners, law students and faculty interested in the area of Intellectual Property and Technology Law. Network members enjoy opportunities for robust discussion of current issues in IP, emerging trends, and significant legislative and judicial events. Like the IP Law Society, TIPLN offers its members the opportunity to build valuable relationships with their peers, the IP Law faculty, and alumni working in the field.