Temple Law Faculty Reacts to the Trump v. Mazars USA and Trump v. Vance …

On July 9, 2020, Chief Justice John Roberts delivered a 7-2 opinion in Trump v.Mazars USA, refusing to enforce congressional subpoenas that sought President Trump’s tax returns and other financial records about himself, his children, and affiliated businesses.. On July 9, 2020, Chief Justice John Roberts delivered a 7-2 opinion in Trump v.Vance, allowing state prosecutors to subpoena …

Can We Trust Memory? – Advocacy and Evidence Resources

The answer is decidedly “yes,” and it is found in a wonderful new book, REMEMBER (Harmony Books 2021). It is reader-friendly, designed for a general audience; and the author’s credentials are impeccable – an undergraduate degree in biopsychology and a Ph.D. in neuroscience. And she is not a forensics person. She just cares about memory …

Financial Aid – Temple Law

You can also reach the Temple Law Financial Aid Office via email at lawFAO@temple.edu, or by phone at 215-204-8943. The financial aid program at Temple Law School is designed to help fill the gap between the cost of a legal education at Temple University and the student’s own resources.

Assistant Dean Melissa Lennon Elected President of NALP

May 23, 2018. Assistant Dean for Career Services Melissa Lennon is the newest president of NALP, the National Association for Law Placement. We checked in with her to find out more about the role, how she got there, and what she plans to do during her tenure. TLS: Congratulations, President Lennon!

Temple Law at Bar-Ilan University: Teaching There, Looking Back Here

Tuesday, December 27, 2022, I taught my last of 8 classes in Problems in American Criminal Law. My location? Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, a suburb of Tel Aviv. This culminated a two-year journey, one interrupted by COVID and fraught with concerns about the world I would be entering, the tolerance I was hoping for, and a goal of supporting the bridge between our two law schools …