Coming to a Mall Near You: Robo-Seller – The Temple 10-Q

Coming to a Mall Near You: Robo-Seller. Increasingly, online merchants, together with brick-and-mortar sellers and data intermediaries, are knitting together mass data collection, the interconnective power of the “Internet of Things” and automated algorithmic pricing and selling with their existing retailing and supply-chain businesses.

Leadership and Faculty – Center for Tax Law and Public Policy

Program Directors. Alice Abreu. Honorable Nelson A. Diaz Professor of Law, Director of Center for Tax Law and Public Policy. Professor Alice Abreu has taught at Temple for over 30 years. During that time she has developed a reputation as a nationally and internationally known scholar who can de-mystify the tax system and help her students …

Why We Created the Student Wellness Association

What I often neglect to mention about my law school experience is that my 1L year was also one of my most challenging. When I first started at Temple Law, I believed I had a solid self-care plan in place. I meditated daily, attended a local yoga class two times per week, and prioritized taking time to relax with friends and family. …

“Hey Google, What’s a Strike?” – Voices at Temple

What does a 19th century ‘anti-vice’ law have to do with the abortion pill ruling? Healey, in bid to ‘ride out’ legal challenge, moves to stockpile 15,000 mifepristone doses in Massachusetts; Abortion Pill Control Lies With FDA as Court Fight Tests Agency; Texas Abortion-Pill Ruling Ignites New National Battle

Temple Law at Bar-Ilan University: Teaching There, Looking Back Here

Tuesday, December 27, 2022, I taught my last of 8 classes in Problems in American Criminal Law. My location? Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, a suburb of Tel Aviv. This culminated a two-year journey, one interrupted by COVID and fraught with concerns about the world I would be entering, the tolerance I was hoping for, and a goal of supporting the bridge between our two law schools …

Age Discrimination – Temple Law Writing Competitions

Milani Writing Competition Sponsored by the Mercer University School of Law and the American Bar Association Commission on Disability Rights About Adam A. Milani Adam A. Milani – a passionate disability rights activist and accomplished scholar – was well known …