Let’s Connect: Introducing the Professional Development Network

As members of the legal community, our alumni and students recognize the importance of developing a strong professional network. By participating in the Temple Law Professional Development Network, alumni will help students connect with the remarkable strength and depth of Temple’s alumni. Over [200] alumni have already signed up to participate.

Remember Professor James A. Strazzella

The Temple Law community joins the family and friends of beloved Professor James Strazzella in mourning his unexpected passing on January 28, 2017. A member of the Temple Law faculty since 1973, “Straz,” as he was known affectionately by faculty and students alike, has served the law school with dedication for more than four decades.

Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future

Martin Ford describes as a myth the notion that all we have to do to avoid a jobless future is direct our youth towards science, technology, engineering and math. In fact, he says, we are already producing so many “STEM” graduates that they each year exceed the number of available jobs by 50%. The same phenomenon is evident in Europe.