Russia and the DNC Hack: What Future for a Duty of Non-Intervention?

There are lots of important issues implicated by this morning’s above-the-fold story in the New York Times that U.S. officials and certain cybersecurity experts (e.g., Crowdstrike) have concluded Russian government agencies bear responsibility for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers and leaking internal e-mails stored on them to Wikileaks (Russian responsibility for the …

Focus on: Elderly Law Project with Professor Debra Kroll

Professor Kroll: The Elderly Law Project is a clinical course to be taken after the doctrinal course, Law and Aging, which is a prerequisite. Students handle real cases from the point of intake through to completion. The kinds of legal problems run the gamut of civil legal issues that affect people generally in our society.

Summer Abroad in Rome, Italy – Temple Law

Earn up to 5 ABA-approved credits with classes taught in English by American and European law professors. Pursue internships abroad or at home enabled by the early program end date. Build your global network with lawyers and law students from U.S. and international law schools. PROGRAM DATES: May 27 – June 21, 2024.

Trump and Bush, ‘Anchor Babies,’ and Birthright Citizenship

Jan Ting. Professor of Law. Donald Trump has made himself the Republican frontrunner for president by advocating enforcement of U.S. immigration law and an end to birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens. The former frontrunner Jeb Bush, trying to resuscitate his floundering campaign, has denounced “anchor babies” while …

The Compliance Monthly: How To Empower Local Ethics and Compliance …

A company’s integrity agenda is designed to reduce the gap between an organization’s stated objectives and its actual behavior. The elements are the ethics and compliance program’s governance structure, organizational culture, compliance controls and data insights to measure and improve effectiveness. The elements complement each other; a …

Taxation of Long-term Contracts: Little Pigs, the IRS, and the …

Little pigs get fed. Big pigs get slaughtered. It’s a pithy way of saying that overreaching is dangerous. A recent tax case demonstrates this: The IRS overreached in a real estate developer’s tax case, and it wound up with a ruling it almost certainly regrets.

Directions and Parking – Temple Law

From the Ben Franklin Bridge, follow Route 611/Vine Street signs to Broad Street. Make a right onto Broad Street and proceed north approximately 3.0 miles. Make a left onto Oxford Street. Turn right onto 16th Street. Turn right on Montgomery Ave. Turn Right on 15th street. The parking garage will be on your right.