In a year of profound challenge and change, the newest generation of Temple Lawyers turned in an exceptionally strong performance on the October 2020 Pennsylvania bar examination. As in past years, more Temple Law graduates took and passed the exam on their first attempt than those from any other law school, with 154 test-takers and 138 successful candidates. In addition, Temple’s first-time pass rate of 89.6% surpassed the state average of 82.4% by more than seven percentage points.
In a congratulatory message sent to the newest members of the Pennsylvania bar, Dean Gregory Mandel offered praise and encouragement, writing: “You have demonstrated extraordinary perseverance and resilience in completing your legal education and passing the bar under circumstances unlike any we could have imagined, and I encourage you to savor this success, for it is well-earned.”
Temple’s first-time pass rate ranked second in the state to the University of Pennsylvania by a difference of just 0.4%. Additional state-wide first-time results include: Drexel, 83.53%; Duquesne, 83.02%; Penn State—Dickinson, 86.49%; Penn State—University Park, 82.86%; Rutgers, 53.13%; University of Pittsburgh, 87.38%; Villanova, 86.96%; Widener Commonwealth, 80.65%; and Widener Delaware, 62.50%.