Margaret M. deGuzman
James E. Beasley Professor of Law, Co-Director, Institute for International Law and Public Policy
office: Klein Hall, Room 603
phone: (215) 204-1948
email: margaret.deguzman@temple.edu

Jules Epstein
Edward D. Ohlbaum Professor of Law, Director of Advocacy Programs
office: Klein Hall, 611
phone: (215) 204-6288
email: jules.epstein@temple.edu

Richard K. Greenstein
Professor Emeritus
email: richard.greenstein@temple.edu

Rachel E. López
James E. Beasley Professor of Law
office: Klein Hall, Room 607
phone: 215-204-3696
email: rachel.e.lopez@temple.edu

Lauren Ouziel
James E. Beasley Professor of Law
office: Klein Hall, Room 602
phone: (215) 204-7872
email: lauren.ouziel@temple.edu

James A. Shellenberger
Professor of Law
office: Klein Hall, Room 517B
phone: (215) 204-7756
email: james.shellenberger@temple.edu