Susan L. DeJarnatt
Professor of Law
office: Klein Hall, Room 623
phone: (215) 204-8736
email: susan.dejarnatt@temple.edu

David Kairys
Professor Emeritus
email: david.kairys@temple.edu

Sarah Katz
Clinical Professor of Law
office: Klein Hall, Room 101
phone: (215) 204-4541
email: sarah.katz@temple.edu

Rachel E. López
James E. Beasley Professor of Law
office: Klein Hall, Room 607
phone: 215-204-3696
email: rachel.e.lopez@temple.edu

Spencer Rand
Clinical Professor of Law
office: Klein Hall, Room 101
phone: (215) 204-4551
email: spencer.rand@temple.edu

Amy Sinden
I. Herman Stern Professor
office: Klein Hall, Room 707
phone: (215) 204-4969
email: amy.sinden@temple.edu