Experiential Learning
Skills-Based Learning – Real Life Lawyering
Temple University Beasley School of Law offers a broad range of experiential programs for every law student, no matter what your area of interest. Our experiential offerings start in your first semester of law school, and you can continue to enroll in different experiential courses until you graduate. We recommend that you carefully sequence the experiential options you select, from intensive in-house clinics to individually designed practicums. Because the choices available to you can be complex, we strongly encourage you to seek our advice when choosing your experiential courses. Temple Law faculty and administrators are committed to helping you design an experiential palette tailored to your needs. My door is always open, and my colleagues are equally excited to offer you tailored guidance on our programs.
Professor Jaya Ramji-Nogales
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Real Clients & Projects with Impact
Work on real-world problems with lawyers representing clients or pursuing advocacy projects that directly impact individuals and communities.
Getting to argue real cases on behalf of real clients in front of real judges in the Defender clinic was my favorite part of law school…
Innovative Simulations
Learn lawyering skills by playing the role of a lawyer in a carefully designed and controlled environment, beginning in your very first semester of law school.

Integrated Curriculum Options
In your second year, enroll in one of Temple Law’s full-year, four-course integrated programs to refine your trial advocacy or transactional practice skills through progressive practical simulations.
First-Year Simulation Courses
Upper-Level Simulation Courses
Choose Your Own Adventure
Experiential opportunities can be found across the entire Temple Law curriculum. Craft your law school journey to gain the skills and experience you need to succeed in your legal career.
1L Year
- Introduction to Transactional Skills
- Legal Research & Writing
2L Year
- Integrated Trial Advocacy Program
- Integrated Transactional Program
- Upper-Level Simulation Courses
- In-House Clinics
- External Clinics
- Externship Courses
- Practicums
3L Year
- Upper-Level Simulation Courses
- In-House Clinics
- External Clinics
- Externship Courses
- Practicums