Rachel Rebouché

Dean Rachel Rebouché has taught Family Law, Health Care Law, and Contracts. She is an author of the sixth edition of the casebook, Family Law, with Professors Leslie Harris and June Carbone. She is an author of Governance Feminism: An Introduction and an editor of Governance Feminism: Notes from the …

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Salil K. Mehra

Professor Salil Mehra joined the Temple Law faculty in 2000. His research focuses on antitrust/competition law and technology. A sample of Professor Mehra’s publications can be found below and on his publications page. Professor Mehra is a past Chair of the AALS Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation, and is …

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Mo Zhang

Professor Zhang specializes in conflict of laws, international commercial transactions, contract law, Chinese Law and comparative law. A former Fulbright scholar and faculty member at China University of Politics and Law, Professor Zhang joined Temple in May 1998 after several years of legal practice in the United States. He served …

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Rafael Porrata-Doria, Jr.

Professor Porrata-Doria graduated magna cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania in 1974 and received his J.D. from Yale Law School in 1977. He also holds an M.A. in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania. After graduation, Professor Porrata-Doria practiced law in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Miami, Florida.

Jaya Ramji-Nogales

Professor Jaya Ramji-Nogales specializes in immigration law, international law, procedure and process. She currently teaches Civil Procedure, Evidence, Refugee Law and Policy, and the Temple Law Asylum Project. Professor Ramji-Nogales’ research areas include asylum and refugee law under the Trump administration, global migration law, and empirical assessment of asylum adjudication.

Jeffrey Dunoff

Jeff Dunoff is the Laura H. Carnell Professor of Law at Temple University Beasley School of Law. His research and writing focuses on public international law, international regulatory regimes, international courts, international organizations, and interdisciplinary approaches to international law.