Asia Advisory Committee
Temple Law School’s Center for Compliance and Ethics expanded its programming to Asia in 2019. On November 7, 2019, the Center and the Temple Law Program in Japan held the inaugural meeting of the Center’s Asia Advisory Committee in Tokyo. The purpose of the Asia Advisory Committee is to advance the mission of and increase external support for the Center for Compliance and Ethics programming at Temple University Beasley School of Law, Japan Campus. The Advisory Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Executive Director of the Center for Compliance and Ethics and the Director of the Law Programs at Temple University, Japan Campus. (Read More)
Romain Caillaud
SIPA Partners
Alexander Dmitrenko
Ashurst LLP
Royanne Doi
Outside Director
Gojo & Company, Inc.
Ikuko Ikeda
Senior Legal Counsel
Eureka, Inc. & Match Group, APAC
Masatsugu Kaneko
Partner, Forensic & Integrity Services
Ernst and Young
Kei Matsumoto
Senior Manager, Compliance Department
Olympus Corporation
Kiminori Ogata
Deputy General Manager
Sojitz Corporation
Kana Okazawa
Executive Director
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd.
Legal and Compliance
Andrew Savage
Senior Corporate Counsel
Amazon Japan
Aki Sudo
Compliance and Risk Management Otsuka
Kaede Toh
Latham & Watkins
Hideki Yamanaka
Vice President and Head of E&C in Japan and Asia Oceania
Astellas Pharma