Temple Law School has launched the Temple Law Center for Compliance and Ethics, designed to prepare professionals and students to better understand and respond to the legal, regulatory and ethical issues facing today’s corporate compliance professionals.
“Compliance as a profession is experiencing rapid and significant growth that demands to be recognized with a parallel growth in the law school curriculum,” explained Dean Epps while announcing the new initiative. “Law school courses and real world experience in corporate compliance will position Temple Law in the forefront of this growing professional discipline and create exciting employment opportunities for our students.”
The center will offer a blend of programs including law and undergraduate courses, CLE programs, compliance executive education, and compliance-related externships. The program offerings will draw on the expertise of the full-time law faculty who will be joined by well-known industry professionals.
Students will have unique opportunities to interact with a wide network of legal and compliance professionals for internships and externships, in the classroom and on-site at area companies. The center will offer a growing number of experiential opportunities, among them existing placements at companies such as Endo International, Berkeley Research Group, Unilife, Aramark and ACE U.S.A. New courses of study within the J.D. curriculum will give the Temple Law faculty the opportunity to deepen and broaden their scholarship by interacting with colleagues inside and outside the University.
“Temple is ideally situated to house such a center,” said Dean Epps. “The Philadelphia area has both a wealth of expertise in the area of compliance and an abundance of compliance-related industries.”
Located at the law school, the center’s programs will be guided by a steering committee and an advisory board, consisting of legal and compliance professionals in the field.
Pictured above: Members of the advisory board gathered in October to discuss the new center’s programs for the upcoming academic year. From left (sitting): Maribel Valentin, Jennifer Heller, Katherine Kelton, Dean JoAnne A. Epps, Edward Buthusiem, and Alison Tanchyk. From left (standing): Frank Bigley, Georgia Dodds-Foley, Michael Blackshear, Bette Walters, Michael Shaw, Terri Ledva, and Richard Collier.