The Center for Compliance and Ethics Presents: What Keeps Compliance Officers Up At Night?
Thursday, December 7, 2023
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Shusterman Hall
Temple University Beasley School of Law
Reception to Follow
ABout the Event
Open Forum of Chief Compliance Officers and Deputy Chiefs sharing ideas and concerns on topics not currently addressed by courts, enforcement authorities, or guidance documents. Chatham House Rules to preserve confidentiality of speakers and affiliations. Limited to Chief Compliance & Ethics Officers or Deputy Chiefs.
Preceded by separate Ethics CLE sessions on Ethical Obligations of Companies, Compliance Officers, and Corporate Counsel in Interactions With Voluntary and Inadvertent Internal Whistleblowers and Corporations as the New Whistleblowers.
11:00 AM Welcome
11:05 AM: Ethical Obligations of Companies, Compliance Officers, and Corporate Counsel in Interactions With Voluntary and Inadvertent Internal Whistleblowers
Does US Supreme Court decision in Digital Realty Trust, Inc. v. Somers (138 S. Ct. 767 (2018)) and related SEC rule changes, make further changes in corporate policies and practices on interactions with internal whistleblowers necessary or desirable? 1.0 CLE Ethics Credit Available
12:00 PM: Break
12:05 PM – 12:35 PM: Corporations as the New Whistleblowers: DOJ New Voluntary Self-Disclosure Policy
Should the new Voluntary Self-Disclosure Policy affect the calculus of a company in deciding whether to self-disclose potential wrongdoing?
Does the policy incentivize early whistleblowing by companies against individuals within their organization? 0.5 CLE Ethics Credit Available
12:35 PM – 1:05 PM: Networking Lunch
1:15 PM – 2:45 PM: Open Roundtable Discussion: What Keeps You Up at Night?
Chief Compliance & Ethics Officers and Deputy Chiefs sharing ideas on concerns or topics not currently addressed by courts, enforcement authorities, or guidance documents. Chatham House Rules to preserve confidentiality of speakers and affiliations. Limited to Chief Compliance & Ethics Officers or Deputy Chiefs.
2:45 PM: Reception With Students
The registration fee for this event is $99.