TEMPLEUNIVERSITYJAMES E. BEASLEYSCHOOL OF LAWLAW SCHOOL ANDALUMNI NEWS NOVEMBER 2011Dear graduates and friends: I offer my sincere gratitude to all of you who made a contribution to Temple Law School in the past fiscal year. Support from ourgraduates and friends makes a crucial difference in our ability tooffer an outstanding legal education to our students and to bringnational attention to the quality and uniqueness of our curriculumand programs.The cover of this issue gives you a sense of the enthusiasm ofour Class of 2011 as they are sworn in as members of the bar inPennsylvania. Not pictured are members of the class recentlyadmitted to bar associations across the country. This graduatingclass entered the most challenging job market in recent history, and they have done so with talent and ingenuity. We applaud their desire to make a difference in the practice of law and to usetheir Temple education to initiate change.By way of news at the Law School, the Temple Board of Trusteesrecently approved a new Certificate in Trial Advocacy for our JDstudents in addition to our current Certificate in Business Law. We are also launching a new dual degree program this year inconjunction with the College of Health Professions and Social Work, the JD/MPH, which was initiated by Professor Scott Burriswho leads our Center for Public Health Law Research.Professor Nancy Knauer and the students on our Political andCivil Rights Law Journalheld a ground-breaking symposium inOctober on “Aging in the United States: The Next Civil RightsMovement.” As you will read elsewhere in this issue, the responseto this program was impressive, and featured attendance by majorpolicy makers. The journal will publish the papers presented in the Spring 2012 issue, and I guarantee that it will be a great read.Our entering students were the beneficiaries of a faculty initiativeentitled “Introduction to Transactional Skills.” The program wasoffered as five intensive sessions over ten days and was highlyexperiential, with students interviewing clients, negotiating with oneanother and drafting contracts. They represented either a chef or anentrepreneur in creating a new restaurant, and were aided by oneof our own, alumna Sophia Lee from the Class of 2000, who ownsand operates a Philadelphia restaurant.Finally, our faculty has garnered several impressive awards so far this year: Professor David Kairys was honored by the NationalLawyers Guild for his work in civil rights, and Professor JamesShellenberger was honored by Temple University with the FacultyService Award for his work in helping law students achieve.Best wishes for the New Year, and thank you for your support of Temple Law School. Sincerely, JoAnne A. Epps, DeanA MESSAGE FROM DEAN EPPS COVER: MORE THAN 180 TEMPLE LAWGRADUATES ATTENDED THE 8TH ANNUALTEMPLE LAW ALUMNI ASSOCIATION’SPENNSYLVANIA BAR ADMISSIONS CEREMONY.TEMPLE GRADUATES ACHIEVED A NEARLY 92%PASS RATE FOR FIRST-TIME TEST TAKERS OFTHE JULY PENNSYLVANIA BAR EXAM.TEMPLE ESQ. NOVEMBER 2011 • 1Temple Law’s Faculty Continues to Excel,inside the classroom and outNOVEMBER 2011Two Temple Lawprofessors, David Hoffman and DuncanHollis, have been elected to membership inthe American Law Institute (ALI), aprestigious group that limits its membershipto 4,000. Founded in 1923 in Philadelphia(where it remains based today), theInstitute’s stated mission is “to promote theclarification and simplification of the law andits better adaptation to social needs, tosecure the better administration of justice,and to encourage and carry on scholarly andscientific legal work.”Today, ALI is considered the leadingindependent organization in the UnitedStates producing scholarly work to clarify,modernize, and otherwise improve the law.Comprised of lawyers, judges, and lawprofessors, the Institute drafts and publishesRestatements of the Law, model statutes,and principles of law that are enormouslyinfluential in the courts and legislatures, aswell as in legal scholarship and education. The two professors—both of whom joinedthe Temple Law faculty in 2004—bringdivergent areas of expertise to the ALI.Hoffman specializes in behavioral law andeconomics, empirical legal studies, andprivate dispute resolution, with a particulardoctrinal focus on the law of fraud, contractsand corporations. He writes for the popularlegal blog, Concurring Opinions,and is amember of the Cultural Cognition Project atYale Law School. With other investigators atthe Cultural Cognition project, Hoffmanrecently co-authored a paper on how theperceived benefits and risks of politicaldemonstrations are contingent on ourvalues. Another recent project examinedhow individuals’ values influence theirperceptions of fact in civil rights cases.Hollis, a scholar of international law andthe Law School’s Associate Dean forAcademic Affairs, focuses on treaties asinstruments of international and nationalcommitment, examining how they operateas ‘law’ from international, comparative andconstitutional perspectives. His recent workhas focused on how U.S. constitutionalAMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE ELECTS TWO FROM TEMPLE LAWProfessors Hoffman and Hollis join prestigious group.constraints apply to new models ofinternational cooperation, including U.S.political commitments and U.S. Stateagreements with foreign powers. Hollis is the editor of the forthcoming Oxford Guide to Treatiesand has done path-breaking workon whether and how international law normsapply to government activities in cyber-space. He is a regular contributor to the law blog, Opinio Juris.As members of the ALI, Hoffman andHollis will have the opportunity to work with other eminent lawyers, judges, andacademics to influence the development of emerging issues in the law in both thedomestic and foreign affairs arenas.Other Temple Law faculty who have been inducted into the ALI includeProfessors Alice G. Abreu, Anthony J.Bocchino, Jeffrey Dunoff, JoAnne A. Epps,Michael E. Libonati, Eleanor W. Myers,Rafael A. Porrata-Doria Jr., David A.Sonenshein, James A. Strazzella, andWilliam J. Woodward. PROFESSORDAVID HOFFMAN PROFESSOR DUNCAN HOLLIS 2• TEMPLE ESQ. NOVEMBER 2011DEAN EPPSINTERVIEWS FORMERATTORNEY GENERAL SEPTEMBER 24, 2011The annual meetingof the ABA’s section of litigation convenedthis year in Philadelphia, bringing toplitigators from across the country. One high profile attendee was former U.S.Attorney General Michael Mukasey, who was interviewed by Dean JoAnne A. Eppsbefore a conference audience that includedleaders of the ABA, Temple law faculty, and students. Mukasey was Attorney General underPresident George W. Bush from 2007 to2009. He was named to that positionfollowing the resignation of Alberto Gonzales. Mukasey began his judicial career when President Reagan named him to sit on the U.S. District Court of theSouthern District of New York in 1987. He is now a partner at the New York City firm of Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler, wherehe practiced prior to serving on the bench. OCTOBER 12, 2011When the NationalLawyers Guild chose Philadelphia as the siteof its annual convention, organizers saythere was immediate consensus on therecipients of the 2011 Law for the Peopleaward: David Kairys and David Rudovsky.Since 1971, the firm founded by TempleLaw Professor David Kairys and fellow civilrights attorney David Rudovsky (now Kairys,Rudovsky, Epstein, Messing, and Feinberg)has embodied the mission of the NationalLawyers Guild.As a full-time civil rights lawyer from1968 to 1990, Kairys won the leading racediscrimination case against the FBI, wonchallenges to unrepresentative juries around the country, stopped police sweepsof minority neighborhoods in Philadelphia, and represented Dr. Benjamin Spock in a free speech case before the U.S.Supreme Court. After joining the Temple Law faculty in 1990, Kairys remained engaged inpioneering litigation. In 1996, he conceivedthe city lawsuits against handgun manu-facturers, and his public-nuisance theoryhas become the major basis for a range ofchallenges to corporate practices thatendanger public health or safety. Kairys has been a productive and widely known scholar. He edited and co-wrote the classic progressive critique of law, The Politics of Law(1982, 1990, 1998);wrote With Liberty and Justice for Somein 1993; and in 2008, he publishedPhiladelphia Freedom: Memoir of a CivilRights Lawyer,on the cover of which Cornel West calls him “one of the grandlong-distance runners in the struggle forjustice in America.” He has also written over 35 articles and book chapters and over50 commentaries or op-eds.Kairys has a long-standing commitment tothe National Lawyers Guild(NLG),a group founded in1937 as a way of protestingthe racist and exclusionarypractices of the AmericanBar Association. Today, 120 NGL chapters arecomprised of lawyers, legalworkers and law studentsdedicated to endeavorsincluding reducing policeabuse, defending warresisters, providing probonocounsel to refugeesand upholding FirstAmendment rights ofprotesting activists. Kairys’ work with theNLG began when he waspresident of the student chapter at ColumbiaLaw School in 1966. “When I was coming tolaw school, the guild was, and still is, anetwork and a community of like-mindedlegal workers of all types,” Kairys says. “Theguild today gives you a chance to link tohistory and is very active on the key issuesof our time.”LAWYERS ‘FOR THE PEOPLE’Professor David Kairys and law partner David Rudovsky are honored by National Lawyers Guild.FACULTY NEWSROXANA ORRELLPROFESSOR DAVID KAIRYSTEMPLE ESQ. NOVEMBER 2011 • 3OCTOBER 2011Law students have knownfor a long time that Professor JamesShellenberger had a special gift for teaching.They selected him not once, but four times,to receive the George P. Williams MemorialAward for Outstanding Professor of the Year,given at commencement each year by thegraduating class. In 1996, Temple echoedthe students’ endorsement with a University-wide honor for excellence in the classroom,the Lindback Award. Today, Shellenberger isthe James E. Beasley Professor of Law, anendowed chair he has held since 2007. On October 26, Shellenberger wassingled out once again, this time for theOutstanding Faculty Service Award. Theaward was presented by the UniversityOffice of the Provost and Faculty SenateSteering Committee to one faculty memberin each of the University’s 17 schools andcolleges. Nominated by his Law Schoolcolleagues, Shellenberger was celebrated forhis dedication to students for more thanthirty years and his ongoing commitment toserving the school in a variety of ways.With a deep knowledge of the lawschool and its students,Shellenberger has been well-positioned to develop curriculumand serve in administrative positions.In addition to his popular classes incriminal law and procedure, he iscredited as the architect of theAcademic Core Enrichmentprogram, through which he helps toensure that every one of ourstudents reaches his or her fullpotential. Over the years he hasassumed many roles at the LawSchool, including Dean of Students,Director of the Legal WritingProgram, and Director of theSummer Program in Rome. NANCY KNAUERCONVENES ELDERLAW SYMPOSIUMNational experts—includingMacArthur ‘Genius’—address more than 150 attendees.OCTOBER 22, 2011A fall symposiumfocusing on the civil rights of the explodingelder population in the United Statesbrought more than 20 leading scholars and elder advocates to address anenthusiastic and high-powered gathering at Temple Law School. The 150 attendeesfrom across the country and acrossdisciplines included members of federal,state and local government, scholars,practitioners, and advocates.Presiding over this event was conferenceorganizer Nancy J. Knauer, I. Herman SternProfessor of Law. In a country where thenumber of individuals aged 85 and older willnearly triple in the next thirty years, Knauerinvited experts to explore public policyissues regarding health care, guardianships,caregiving, institutionalized elders, and thespecial needs of minority seniors. Among the nationally known scholarsand advocates who responded to Knauer’sinvitation to address thesymposium was DC attorneyMarie-Therese Connolly, whohad learned only weeks earlierthat she had won a MacArthurFoundation “Genius” Award forher pioneering work. Connolly isthe founder and director of theAppleseed Life Long JusticeInitiative and the originalarchitect of the Elder JusticeAct, the only federal law tocomprehensively address elder abuse, neglect andexploitation. Another high profile presenter was ElizabethLoewy, the attorney in charge of the Elder Abuse Unit in theNew York County DistrictAttorney’s Office, and co-counsel in theprosecution of the son of Brooke Astor, awell-known New York City philanthropist.The event’s keynote speaker was SyracuseLaw Professor Nina Kohn, who chairs theABA’s Elder Rights Committee.GREAT TEACHER RECEIVESUNIVERSITY-WIDE PRAISEProfessor Shellenberger honored for ‘Outstanding Faculty Service.’FACULTY NEWSPROFESSOR JAMES SHELLENBERGERDEAN JOANNE EPPS AND PROFESSOR NANCY KNAUERAT ELDER LAW SYMPOSIUM4• TEMPLE ESQ. NOVEMBER 2011THE CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE The following graduates and friendscontributed or pledged at least $1,000,000 to the Law SchoolSteven E. Angstreich ’70The Barrack FoundationLeonard ’68 & Lynne BarrackJames E. Beasley ’56Department for International DevelopmentThe Independence FoundationEdith KohnJoseph C. KohnTHE DEAN’S CIRCLEThe following graduates and friendscontributed or pledged at least $100,000 to the Law SchoolAudrey AdlerThe Alcoa FoundationAmerican International Group Inc.Paul & Barbra AndrisaniJoseph William Anthony ’74M. Taylor Aspinwall ’77 & Robert ReinsteinEstate of E. & A. BainbridgeBallard Spahr Andrews & IngersolThe Beasley Firm LLCJames E. Beasley Jr. ’03Phyllis W. Beck ’67Blank Rome Comisky & McCauleyJames A. Bruton ’75Meyer A. Bushman ’56Anthony W. Clark ’79David Cohen ’52Robert J. Coleman ’64Richard Timothy Collier ’79Cozen O’ConnorRobert C. Daniels ’62Carla Dowben ’55Duane Morris LLPE.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.Bernard Eizen ’72Edward Spencer Ellers ’75Exxon Mobil CorporationJack E. Feinberg ’57Alan S. ’71 & Judith Eichen ’73 FellheimerFidelity Charitable Gift FundStuart D. Fiel ’79Cary FlitterRaymond P. Forcent ’64Traci FriessHoward GittisArnold Glaberson ’65The Glenmede Trust Company N.A. Trust FundsBenjamin D. Goldman ’72Alycia Horn ’89 & Joe Tucker Jr. ’89Bertram H. ’71 & Alan HorowitzJewish Federation of Greater PhiladelphiaMarina Kats ’88Leonard M. Klehr ’76Susanna Lachs ’78 & Dean AdlerAlan Lesley ’40 & Elizabeth Lloyd LesleyPeter J. LiacourasWalter P. Lomax Jr.The Luce FoundationElden & Mildred MagawVincent J. ’72 & Frances T. MarellaMarshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & GogginLouis Matkoff ’32Microsoft CorporationMitchell L. Morgan ’80Patrick J. O’ConnorMichael ’89 & Jeannie O’NeillPew Charitable TrustsThe Joey Pozzuolo Family FoundationJoseph R. Pozzuolo ’75Roy Pressman ’19Arthur G. Raynes ’59Abraham Charles Reich ’74 & Sherri Engelman Reich ’74Percival Robert Rieder ’32 & Mary Taubel RiederDavid Roeberg ’68Joel E. Rome ’62Morey S. Rosenbloom ’69Robert A. Rovner ’68Marcus B. Sacks ’31 & Annie SacksFrancis A. ScanlanJames G. Schmidt ’28Alan H. Silverstein ’75Dolores K. SloviterTemple University Law Alumni AssociationTemple Law School FacultyThe Trace FoundationVanguard Charitable Endowment ProgramJames A. ’91 & Jemma L. WaldenWilliam Penn FoundationDeborah R. Willig ’75Benjamin L. Winderman ’54Arthur A. Wolk ’68HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2010-2011CENTENNIAL SOCIETYThe Centennial Society recognizes the Law School’s most generous benefactors. We are deeply appreciative of their generous support.TEMPLE ESQ. NOVEMBER 2011 • 5TRUSTEE’S CIRCLE Donors of $100,000 or greaterAnthony ClarkDepartment forInternationalDevelopmentBernard EizenIrene EizenEdward EllersElizabeth EllersExxon Mobil CorporationCary FlitterAllan FoxLundy, Flitter, Beldecos & Berger PCPennsylvania Interest on Lawyers TrustAccount BoardPew Charitable TrustsRobert Wood JohnsonFoundationDolores SloviterFOUNDER’S CLUB Donors of $50,000–$99,999Dean AdlerAlcoa FoundationLeonard BarrackLynne BarrackBarrack, Rodos & BacineVita CasseseSusanna LachsAndre MardonMurray ShustermanThe ShustermanFoundationPRESIDENT’SCOUNCIL Donors of $25,000–$49,999AnonymousChartis InsuranceJack FeinbergLaurie IngermanM. Brad IngermanJustin IngermanFoundationScott KraseH. F. LenfestMarguerite LenfestMarie O’ConnorPatrick O’ConnorDaniel PolettMargo PolettTemple University Alumni AssociationJames WaldenJemma WaldenFELLOWS Donors of $10,000–$24,999Bainbridge, E. & A., Estate ofJane BaronRobert BartowSusan BartowAaron BeckPhyllis BeckJames BrutonValanna BrutonRichard CollierConrad O’Brien Gellman& Rohn PCE. I. DuPont DeNemours& CompanySally EisenbergStewart EisenbergExelon CorporationForman, Pearl K., Estate ofLouis FrymanCarl HittingerRichelle HittingerAlycia HornMarina KatsMargot KeithRobert KeithLeonard KlehrSusan KlehrOscar LaskoVivian LaskoWalter LomaxLomax Family FoundationFrances MarellaVincent MarellaWilliam McLucasLeslie MillerMiller-Worley FoundationJoseph O’DonnellJoseph PozzuoloGrant RawdinRaynes McCarty Trial andAppellate LawyersSandy ShellerStephen ShellerSheller Family FoundationThe Joey Pozzuolo FamilyFoundationJoe TuckerTucker Law Group LLCRichard WalkerRichard WorleyRobert ZielinskiBENEFACTORS Donors of $5,000–$9,999M. Taylor AspinwallBarBriAnne BrophyThomas BrophyD. BrownWilliam BrownDesiree BrownStuart BrownIda ChenPatricia ColemanRobert ColemanJoan DavisTheodore DavisNelson DiazJoanne EppsEwing Marion KauffmanFoundationAlan FellheimerJudith FellheimerRichard FoltzMichael GebhardtGlenmede Trust CompanyC. Scott HartzCarol HartzAnn HugheyJackson Lewis LLPL. Harrison JayJacquelyn LangelJohn LangelAisha LomaxBennett LomaxSara Manzano-DiazMarshall, Dennehey,Warner, Coleman & GogginThomas McFaddenArlene MeranzeWalter MeranzeArthur PomerantzBarbara PomerantzMaureen PondSamuel PondAbe ReichSherri ReichRobert ReinsteinLukas ReiterMarsha RosenbloomMorey RosenbloomFrances RyanJoseph SaccaSophia SaccaGilbert SchwartzSepta Legal DivisionAudrey SilversteinMartin SilversteinBette WaltersJohn WarnerSuzanne WarnerArthur WolkFRIENDS Donors of $2,500–$4,999Arlin AdamsNeysa AdamsAndrew Allen CharitableFoundationBonnie BarnettLarry BendeskyBenjamin B. and Natalie O.Levin Charitable FundHope BergerMitchell BergerJanice BironThomas BironBeth CohenMartin CohenJill ColtonNeal ColtonKimberly CookDoreen DavisE. Wallace ChadwickMemorial FundPhyllis GallagherWilliam GallagherMark GelbergTerri GelbergArnold GlabersonRichard GlazerWendy GlazerGlazer Family FoundationErnest JonesBenjamin KursmanBarbara LevinMichelle LevinGregory LiacourasDenise LoveJudy McMullenLouis NataliEdward OhlbaumLinda PenningtonPhiladelphia FoundationLarry PittDiane ReedLowell ReedHelene RossSaul Ewing LLPKaryn ScherD. Scott-JonesRobert SimmonsLeslie SmithThe Athena ProjectThe Martin D. CohenFamily FoundationThomson ReutersStewart WeintraubRonald WilliamsDeborah WilligWillig, Williams &DavidsonWilliam WoodwardMEMBERS Donors of $1,000–$2,499Timothy AbeelLynne AbrahamJohn AllenAmerican ContinentalGroupAllyson AndrisaniBarbra AndrisaniNathan AndrisaniAndrisani FamilyCharitable FundPaul AuerbachAXA AdvisorsSheryl AxelrodKila BaldwinAlexis BarronChristopher BassRobert BauerSusan BaumannEdwin BerkowitzBerkowitz Family FundEllan BernsteinLeonard BernsteinBlank Rome LLPAnthony BocchinoHarris BockThomas BradleyDeborah BrecherMarc BrecherBucks County Mediationand Arbitration CenterIra BushmanMarcy BushmanJonathan CaplanJohn CarrigTeresa CavenaghLinda ChecchioDarren CheckKaren CherwonyRobert CherwonyTerence ChuCarl CitronFrancine CitronAnita CohenDavid CohenFred CohenJudith CohenCozen O’ConnorDoneene DamonHeyward DamonRobert DanielsKathie DapronA. Harold DatzMarlene DionMelvin DionRUSSELL H. CONWELLSOCIETY6• TEMPLE ESQ. NOVEMBER 2011Matthew DonaldsonGwen DouseRobert DouseRobert DoyleLeonard DubinMarlene DubinMartin DuffeyMichael DunnTeresa DunnPatrick FarleyThomas FarnishAlan FeldmanDeborah FeldmanNathan FerstFinkelstein FoundationJoan FlanneryWilliam FlanneryRobert ForceRuth ForceBarbara FranzelBruce FranzelKoji FukumuraRichard FuriaRichard GendelmanBernard GlassmanGlaxo SmithKlineCharles GoldenNorma GoldenCaroline Goldner-CinquantoGoldsmith WeissFoundationHarold GoodmanKathy GoslinerBernard GranorMarie GranorRichard GreensteinMartin GreitzerKathleen GrzegorekMaryellen Gussack-HochsteinPhoebe HaddonThomas HannaAngela HansenJean HemphillAnne HendricksFrancis HennessyHennessy & Bullen, Law Offices ofT Lance JacksonKenneth JarinMichael JobesMusetta JohnsonCarlton JohnsonJohnson & JohnsonJohanne JohnstonDonna JonesRosalind KaplanBernard KatzKaren KellerCamille KennedyWilliam KennedyDavid KesslerKessler Topaz Meltzer and Check LLPVivek KhanwalkarBebe KivitzPatricia KneseHerbert KolsbyPhilip KorbSandra KorbMartin KrimskyMerle KrimskyDavid KwassSusan LanderPatrick LarkinSusan LarkinLaw School AdmissionCouncilThomas LeonardArnold LevinJan LevineChristopher LewisJeffrey LichtmanBarbara LorryJoseph LurieBarbara LyonsBruce MacPhailKate MacPhailMark MacQueenGregory MandelSabrina Sacks MannFilomela MarshallJoseph MarshallJohn MattioniMary MattioniDennis McCarthyFrank McclellanDavid McLaughlinAllan McLeodGina McLeodMichael MctaggartJames MelinsonPatricia MellonRoberto MignoneJoseph MistranoBonnie MosesRichard MosesMarilyn MurrayNan and Ed RondepierreFundCarolin NearingKatherine NovickStuart NovickOak Hill CapitalManagement LLCSheila O’DonnellSamuel PaceCarmen ParadiseThomas ParadiseMaureen PeltaPernod Ricard USAMaria PetrilloPfizer Foundation Inc.William PickettPaul PileckiHelen PowersRichard PowersArthur PressmanMira RabinIrene RabinowitzMark RabinowitzMarc RaspantiWendy RaspantiDavid RichmanSteven RocciThomas RogersEdmond RondepierreCarey RosemanRobert RosemanDavid SassFrancis ScanlanSteven SchieselCharles SchleiferDenise SchleiferTobi SchneiderRobert SchwartzCarole SheffieldDavid SheffieldLori ShemtobShemtob & Shemtob PCDaniel SherryAlan SilversteinLisa SlotkinBarbara SpectorEugene SpectorKenneth SpivackTracy SpivackMildred StanskyEdward SteinhouseJoan SternCatherine StraussJerome StraussFrederick StroberRobert StutmanSusan Tomasky andRonald J. UngvarskyFamily FoundationBeth SwartzMark SwartzPaula SzortykaJamil Tahir-KheliThe Alma P. HuntCharitable TrustThe ARAMARK Charitable FundThe Axelrod Firm, LLCThe Barbara Silver LevinFoundation, Inc.The Bauer Law Firm, PCThe Boeing CompanyThe Hirschhorn BaumannFamily FoundationThe Nararo FoundationThe Robert C. DanielsFoundationWilliam ThomasLouis ThompsonTony DePaul and SonsPhilip ToranRonald UngvarskyAnthony VillareFranceska VillareBrooke WalkerJohn WalkerKay WalkerRonald WalkerWalter WeirGerald WellsDiane WelshDaniel WertherDaniel WhelanKathleen WhelanCynthia WhiteJo WhiteTHE RUSSELL H. CONWELL SOCIETY 2002-2011Donors of $1,000 and overFY 2011450FY 2010479FY 2009400FY 2008493FY 2007509FY 2006505FY 2005399FY 2004349FY 2003337FY 2002286TEMPLE ESQ. NOVEMBER 2011 • 7THE LAW LEGACY SOCIETYThe Temple Law Legacy Society recognizes alumni, faculty and friends who support the Law School through their estate plans and other deferred gift arrangements. We thank these individuals for their forethought, generosity, andcommitment to future generations of Temple law students and faculty.NEW MEMBERS 2010-2011Anonymous (2)Josephine HaganEdward Steinhouse ’69 Barry W. Van Rensler ’73 Alban Salaman ’74 LIFETIME MEMBERSBarbra AndrisaniJohn M. Bacon ’98Elwood J. Baldwin Jr. ’95 David C. Bennett ’07Mark S. Blaskey ’75Edward H. Boehner ’86 David Cohen ’52Martin D. Cohen ’67 Carla Dowben ’55Robert Dowben Harry F. Dunn ’57Marjorie DunnBernard Eizen ’72 Irene EizenBarbara E. Fisher ’86Gary B. Freedman ’91Linda Freimark ’82 Carol A. Fritz ’96 Heather C. Giordanella ’98Mark R. GlasbergArthur H. GoldArthur L. Graham ’96 Carole D. GreenCarol Ann HahnAdrienne Y. Hart ’00 Sam Havens ’73Susan LanderJoan D. Lasensky-Glatthorn ’76Ann T. Loftus ’88Vincent J. Marella ’72Jay Meyers ’57Mitchell W. Miller ’54 Shirley G. MillerTom P. MonteverdeJoseph L. Rosenfeld ’61Robert A. Rovner ’68 Murray H. Shusterman ’36Martin J. Silverstein, ’79 Dolores K. SloviterSharon L. Smith ’78Leonard B. Sokolove ’51John Varjabedian ’58John R. Warner ’60Suzanne WarnerJanice E. Williams ’78IN MEMORIAMJean B. Green ’53Henry J. Hagan ’63GIVING TO LAW SCHOOL IS A‘WIN-WIN’, SAYS JACK WARNER ’60“Temple Law School gave me the opportunity to participate in building a successful legalorganization. I’m grateful to Temple for thepreparation necessary to succeed in my career.Now I have a chance to give back and get greatbenefits at the same time. It’s a win-win.” — John R. Warner ’60 Shortly after graduating Temple Law School inJanuary 1960, John R. (Jack) Warner joined thefirm of Davis, Marshall & Crumlish. Two yearslater, Jack joined Frank Marshall in a relationshipthat became a new partnership dedicated todefense litigation. Now approaching its 50thanniversary, Marshall, Dennehey, Warner,Coleman and Goggin has grown to more than400 lawyers with 19 offices in six states. Manyof the firm’s attorneys are Temple Law alumni.Jack and Sue Warner set up their first Templecharitable gift annuity (CGA) with appreciatedstock in 2006. The CGA worked out so well thatthey funded a second, and a third. Now they areup to four Temple CGAs—and still counting. Jack likes the tax advantages of CGAs and theability to diversify long-term appreciated stockinto a steady stream of tax-advantaged income.Jack and Sue have directed the “Temple part” oftheir gift annuities to scholarships for lawstudents.To learn more about the advantages of charitablegift annuities at Temple Law School, please call Janine Ehsani in the Law Legacy Office at215.204.4754, or contact lawlegacy@temple.edu.Membership in the Temple Law Legacy Society is open to those who have namedthe Law School as a beneficiary of their estates, trusts, retirement plans or otherfinancial arrangements. For more information or to enroll in the Law LegacySociety, please contact:Janine EhsaniSenior Director of DevelopmentTemple University Beasley School of Law1719 North Broad StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19122215.204.4754lawlegacy@temple.eduNext >